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Jae-Ho Nah

Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Sangmyung University

I received my B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from Yonsei University.

Before joining Sangmyung University, I was a researcher at Sejong University, UNC Chapel Hill, and LG Electronics.

My research interests include various GPU techniques, such as real-time ray tracing, texture compression, etc.

If you are considering either a research collaboration with me or joining our lab, please feel free to contact me.

Selected Publications

RayCore: A Ray-Tracing Hardware Architecture for Mobile Devices

Jae-Ho Nah, Hyuck-Joo Kwon, Dong-Seok Kim, Cheol-Ho Jeong, Jinhong Park, Tack-Don Han, Dinesh Manocha, and Woo-Chan Park

ACM Transactions on Graphics (presented at ACM SIGGRAPH 2014), 33(5):162, 2014

PDF Slides Project

T&I Engine: Traversal and Intersection Engine for Hardware Accelerated Ray Tracing

Jae-Ho Nah, Jeong-Soo Park, Chanmin Park, Jin-Woo Kim, Yunhye Jung, Woo-Chan Park, and Tack-Don Han

ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. of ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2011), 30(6):160, 2011

PDF Slides

An Architecture and Implementation of Real-Time Sound Propagation Hardware for Mobile Devices

Eunjae Kim, Sukwon Choi, Jiyoung Kim, Jae-Ho Nah, Woonam Jung, Tae-Hyeong Lee, Yeon-Kug Moon, and Woo-Chan Park

ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2023 Conference Papers, No. 81, 2023

PDF Supp Doc Video

H-ETC2: Design of a CPU-GPU Hybrid ETC2 Encoder

Hyeon-ki Lee and Jae-Ho Nah

Computer Graphics Forum (Special Issue of Pacific Graphics 2023), 42(7), 2023

PDF Slides Slides (Korean, KCGS2024) Code

L-Bench: An Android Benchmark Set for Low-power Mobile GPUs

Jae-Ho Nah, Youngsun Suh, and Yeongkyu Lim

Computers & Graphics, 61:40-49, 2016

PDF Video

HART: A Hybrid Architecture for Ray Tracing Animated Scenes

Jae-Ho Nah, Jin-Woo Kim, Junho Park, Won-Jong Lee, Jeong-Soo Park, Seok-Yoon Jung, Woo-Chan Park, Dinesh Manocha, and Tack-Don Han

IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 21(3):389-401, 2015

PDF Project

SATO: Surface-Area Traversal Order for Shadow Ray Tracing

Jae-Ho Nah and Dinesh Manocha

Computer Graphics Forum, 33(6):167-177, 2014

PDF Slides Project

SGRT: A Mobile GPU Architecture for Real-Time Ray Tracing

Won-Jong Lee, Youngsam Shin, Jaedon Lee, Jin-Woo Kim, Jae-Ho Nah, Seokyoon Jung, Shihwa Lee, Hyun-Sang Park, and Tack-Don Han

Proceedings of 5th High-Performance Graphics Conference, 109-119. 2013

Third place at 2013 Test of Time Award!


Other Publications


Yunho Han, Jiyoung Kim, Jinyoung Lee, Jae-Ho Nah, Yo-Sung Ho, and Woo-Chan Park, "Efficient Haze Removal from a Single Image Using a DCP-Based Lightweight U-Net Neural Network Model," Sensors, vol. 24, iss. 12, no. 3746, 2024. PDF

Jae-Ho Nah, "Addition of an adaptive block-size determination feature to astcenc, the reference ASTC encoder," Software Impacts, vol. 17, no. 100569, 2023. PDF Code

Eunjae Kim, Juwon Yun, Woonam Chung, Jae-Ho Nah, Youngsik Kim, Cheoung Ghil Kim, and Woo-Chan Park, "Effective Algorithm to Control Depth Level for Performance Improvement of Sound Tracing," Journal of Web Engineering, vol. 5, iss. 3, pp. 713–728, 2022. PDF

Jinyoung Lee, Jae-Ho Nah, Woo-Nam Chung, Tae-Hyoung Lee, and Woo-Chan Park, "An Implementation of Multi-Chip Architecture for Real-Time Ray Tracing based on Parallel Frame Rendering," IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 118968-118976, 2021. PDF

Jinyoung Lee, Woo-Nam Chung, Tae-Hyoung Lee, Jae-Ho Nah, Youngsik Kim, and Woo-Chan Park, "Load Balancing Algorithm for Real-Time Ray Tracing of Dynamic Scenes," IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 165003 - 165009, 2020. PDF

Juwon Yun, Jinyoung Lee, Cheong Ghil Kim, Yeong-Kyu Lim, Jae-Ho Nah, Youngsik Kim, and Woo-Chan Park, "A Practically Applicable Performance Prediction Model based on Capabilities of Texture Mapping Units for Mobile GPUs," IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 102975-102984, 2019. PDF

Juwon Yun, Jinyoung Lee, Cheong Ghil Kim, Yeong-Kyu Lim, Jae-Ho Nah, Youngsik Kim, and Woo-Chan Park, "A Novel Performance Prediction Model for Mobile GPUs," IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 16235-16245, 2018. PDF

Jae-Ho Nah, Yeongkyu Lim, Sunho Ki, and Chulho Shin, "Z2 Traversal Order: An Interleaving Approach for VR Stereo Rendering on Tile-based GPUs," Computational Visual Media, vol. 3, iss. 4, pp. 349-357, Aug. 2017. (Invited from ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2016 Technical Briefs).PDF

Youngwook Kim, Woong Seo, Yongho Kim, Yeongkyu Lim, Jae-Ho Nah, and Insung Ihm, "Adaptive Undersampling for Effective Mobile Ray Tracing," The Visual Computer (Special Issue of Computer Graphics International 2016), vol. 32, pp. 801-811, Jun. 2016. PDF

Dong-Seok Kim, Jae-Ho Nah, and Woo-Chan Park, "Geometry transition method to improve ray-tracing precision," Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 75, pp. 5689-5700, May. 2016. PDF

Hyuck-Joo Kwon, Jae-Ho Nah, Dinesh Manocha, and Woo-Chan Park, "Effective traversal algorithms and hardware architecture for pyramidal inverse displacement mapping," Computers & Graphics (Special Issue of CAD/GRAPHICS 2013), vol.38, pp. 140-149, Feb. 2014. PDF

Jae-Ho Nah, Woo-Chan Park, Yoon-Sig Kang, and Tack-Don Han, "Ray-Box Culling for Tree Structures," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, vol. 29, no. 6, pp.1211-1225, Nov. 2013. PDF

Jeong-soo Park, Woo-Chan Park, Jae-Ho Nah, and Tack-Don Han, "Node pre-fetching architecture for real-time ray tracing," IEICE Electronics Express, vol. 10, iss. 14, pp.1-6, Jul. 2013.PDF

Yoon-Sig Kang, Jae-Ho Nah, Woo-Chan Park, and Sung-Bong Yang, "gkDtree: A Group-Based Parallel Update Kd-tree for Interactive Ray Tracing," Journal of Systems Architecture, vol. 59, iss. 3, pp.166-175, Mar. 2013.PDF

Jae-Ho Nah, Yun-Hye Jung, Woo-Chan Park, and Tack-Don Han, "Efficient Ray Sorting for the Tracing of Incoherent Rays," IEICE Electronics Express, vol. 9, iss. 9, pp.849-854, May 2012.PDF

(Conference Proceedings - Oral Presentations)

Jae-Ho Nah, "QuickETC2: How to Finish ETC2 Compression within 1 ms," ACM SIGGRAPH 2020 Talks, no. 4, Aug. 2020. PDF Slides

Jae-Ho Nah, Byeongjun Choi, and Yeongkyu Lim, "Classified Texture Resizing for Mobile Devices," ACM SIGGRAPH 2018 Talks, no. 73, Aug. 2018. PDF Slides

Jae-Ho Nah, Yeongkyu Lim, Sunho Ki, and Chulho Shin, "Z2 Traversal Order for VR Stereo Rendering on Tile-based Mobile GPUs," ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2016 Technical Briefs, no. 6, Dec. 2016. PDF Slides

Won-Jong Lee, Youngsam Shin, Jaedon Lee, Jin-Woo Kim, Jae-Ho Nah, Hyun-Sang Park, Seokyoon Jung, and Shihwa Lee, "A novel mobile GPU architecture based on ray tracing," Proceedings of 2013 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), pp. 21-22, Jan. 2013.

Won-Jong Lee, Shi-Hwa Lee, Jae-Ho Nah, Jin-Woo Kim, Youngsam Shin, Jaedon Lee, and Seok-Yoon Jung, "SGRT: A Scalable GPU Architecture based on Ray Tracing," ACM SIGGRAPH 2012 Talks, No. 2, Aug. 2012.

Jae-Ho Nah, Jeong-Soo Park, Jin-Woo Kim, Chanmin Park, and Tack-Don Han, "Ordered Depth-First Layouts for Ray Tracing," ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2010 Sketches, no. 55, Dec. 2010. PDF Slides

Jae-Ho Nah, Yoon-Sig Kang, Kwang-Jo Lee, Shin-Jun Lee, Tack-Don Han, and Sung-Bong Yang, "MobiRT: An Implementation of OpenGL ES-Based CPU-GPU Hybrid Ray Tracer for Mobile Devices," ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2010 Sketches, no. 50, Dec. 2010. PDF Slides Video


Jae-Ho Nah and Hyeju Kim, "TexSR: Image Super-Resolution for High-Quality Texture Mapping," ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2022 Posters, no. 17, Dec. 2022. PDF Poster

Jae-Ho Nah, Sunho Ki, Yeongkyu Lim, Jinhong Park, and Chulho Shin, "AXAA: Adaptive approXimate Anti-Aliasing," ACM SIGGRAPH 2016 Posters, no. 51, Jul. 2016. PDF Comparison Images Poster Video Shader code

Sunho Ki, Jae-Ho Nah, Minkyu Kim, Youngduke Seo, Chulho Shin, and Jinhong Park, "Reusing MRTs for mobile GPUs," ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Posters, no. 44, Nov. 2015.

Jae-Ho Nah, Kyung-ho Lee, Woo-chan Park, and Tack-don Han, "A Shadow Culling Algorithm for Interactive Ray Tracing," Graphics Interface 2009 Posters, May 2009. (Best Poster Award) PDF Poster

Woo-Chan Park, Jinseok Hur, Dongseok Kim, Jae-Ho Nah, Jeongsu Park, Jinhong Park, and Tack-Don Han, "An Implementation of Ray Tracer on V5 FPGA," Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Low-Power and High-Speed Chips (Cool Chips XII), Apr. 2009.

Jae-Ho Nah, Jin-suk Heo, Woo-chan Park, and Tack-don Han, "A Split Node Cache Scheme for Fast Ray Tracing," Proceedings of IEEE/EG Symposium on Interactive Ray Tracing 2008 (RT08), Aug. 2008. PDF

Woo-chan Park, Jae-Ho Nah, Jeong-soo Park, Kyung-ho Lee, Dong-seok Kim, Sang-duk Kim, Jin-hong Park, Yoon-sig Kang, Sung-bong Yang, and Tack-don Han, "An FPGA Implementation of Whitted-style Ray Tracing Accelerator," Proceedings of IEEE/EG Symposium on Interactive Ray Tracing 2008 (RT08), Aug. 2008.

Jinhong Park, Jae-Ho Nah, Kyungho Lee, Sangduk Kim, Yoon-Sig Kang, Sung-Bong Yang, Tack-Don Han and Woo-Chan Park, "An Implementation of Ray Tracing Core on FPGA," ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games 2008 Poster (i3D 2008), Feb. 2008.

Il-San Kim, Jae-Ho Nah, and Tack-Don Han, "Transmission combining Arbiter for Multiple ROP units in 3D Graphics Accelerators," Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Low-Power and High-Speed Chips (Cool Chips X), Apr. 2007.

Kyungho Lee, Sangduk Kim, Jae-Ho Nah, Yoon-sig Kang, Dongseok Kim, Sang-Won Ha, sung-Bong Yang, Tack-Don Han, and Woo-Chan Park, "A Framework for Real Time Ray Tracing," Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Low-Power and High-Speed Chips (Cool Chips X), Apr. 2007.

(Domestic Papers)

Hyeju Kim and Jae-Ho Nah, "Comparative analysis of the deep-learning-based super-resolution methods for generating high-resolution texture maps," Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 31-40, Dec. 2023. PDF

Jae-Ho Nah, "Analysis of ChatGPT's Coding Capabilities in Foundational Programming Courses," Journal of Engineering Education Research, vol. 26, no. 6, pp. 71-78, Nov. 2023. (Byeong Gi Lee's Best Paper Award) PDF

Jae-Ho Nah, "A Case Study of an Online Course on Introductory Engineering Design in Computer Science," Journal of Engineering Education Research, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 12-19, Jan. 2023. PDF

Jae-Ho Nah, "ASTC Block-Size Determination Method based on PSNR Values," Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 21-28, Jun. 2022. PDF

Jae-Ho Nah, Woo-Chan Park, and Tack-Don Han, "A Shadow Culling Algorithm for Interactive Ray Tracing," Journal of Korea Game Society, vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 179-190, Dec. 2009. PDF

Academic Services

Session Chair, ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2023.

Reviewer, ACM SIGGRAPH, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025.

Reviewer, ACM SIGGRAPH Asia, 2022, 2023.

Reviewer, EUROGRAPHICS, 2015, 2020, 2025.

Reviewer, Computer Graphics Forum, 2024.

Reviewer, High-Performance Graphics, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019.

Reviewer, Computers & Graphics, 2013, 2022.

Reviewer, Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 2018.

Reviewer, WSCG - International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision, 2015.

Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration, 2015.

Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems, 2016.

Reviewer, Multimedia Systems, 2025.

Reviewer, Journal of Supercomputing, 2024.

Reviewer, Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, 2025.

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